Different ways to retain the fitness and beauty for housewives

Different ways to retain the fitness and beauty for  housewives

Different ways to retain the fitness and beauty for  housewives
fitness and diet for  housewives

I think that to be successful in life, there is a special need for a healthy body and a fresh mind. In fact, age is not a factor in being successful. So all I can say is that at any time of life, with the immersion of the old life, everything can start again and start at the peak of success. All you need is a fit body for work and a fresh and strong mind to win in life.

In the words, Survival of the Fittest, that word is now applicable to everyone. Now, to pursue a career, the elderly have to work outside. Older women also have to get fully involved in the affairs of the world. This is because, in most cases, elderly spouses are often alone. Maybe the kids are busy working abroad. Besides, nowadays there is a dearth of people to help with the work properly, because of the busyness of everyone.

So, I can say that for the sake of survival right now, staying fit is essential, no matter what age you are! This time, I will point out in front of my respectable readers a housewife who has properly realized the urge to stay fit. After four consecutive major abdominal operations (including major gynecological operations), she has reached the pinnacle of stamina, fitness, and glamor by leading the regular exercise, diet, and disciplined life. she has made himself such that the object of jealousy can be effortless even for young people.

 Let's get down to work without delay. I always say - look = 70% diet + 30% exercise. Today I will discuss diet. Because obesity can bring danger after an age. A middle-aged woman may not have a body like teenagers. But the extra fat can be reduced by staying fit. I always set guidelines for practical considerations so that they are acceptable to everyone

Housewives' Fat Reduction Diet

1. Wake up and drink in a glass of lukewarm water, as much as you can tolerate, mix with lemon juice.

2. Green tea or liqueur tea or milk tea without sugar by 8am.

3. At ten o'clock in the morning, there are small salty oats or Dalia or cornflakes. Apples or papaya can accompany her.

4. One afternoon before lunch, one must eat a big cucumber. Then there will be no appetite for lunch and you will not want to eat rice. This is the most successful bid to reduce bodysuits.

5. Lunch at noon. 40 grams rice, vegetables or vegetables, mixed with different vegetables, pulses, one or two pieces of fish and if possible, yogurt. Older women have a special need for milk-rich foods for calcium.

6. At five in the afternoon, a cup of sugarless tea and a sugar-free biscuit.

7. At seven o'clock in the evening, roasted sprouts or sprouts, or a little sausage, or fried in an oiled dry oil. You can mix a little sorbet for taste. With a cup of skimmed milk can be eaten.

8. Dinner at nine o'clock. Two loaves, vegetables, pulses, two-piece chicken or fish. Salad or raita with her.

One day, instead of rice, fruity salad (apple, guava, ripe papaya, pear, orange or mulberry) will be served with taco yogurt. One or two Egg White with him. Once a day, make a big bowl of soup with 2 pieces of chicken and make it into a big bowl. Salad or raita with her. If you eat fruit salad at lunch in the morning, then eat bread, vegetables, etc. for dinner. If you eat 40 grams of rice for lunch, eat chicken soup or vegetable soup or fish soup, etc. for dinner.

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