Worried about the legs? Some leg exercises for woman
Worried about the legs? Some leg exercises for woman
leg exercises for woman |
In words, health is wealth. So, no matter how much exercise you have to do to take care of your health every day. In the morning or in the evening, you have to hit the gym center. Both boys and girls are aware of their health. Exercise is equally important to keep every part of the body fit and tone. Equally important are foot exercises, such as arm or waist exercises. We will discuss some foot exercises for women in this article.
The muscles of the leg are divided into three parts, namely, the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the cuffs. The function of all these muscles is to support the contraction and stretch of the legs and to help with movement. So, let's learn about some foot exercises to keep these muscles strong.
Squats are a common and effective exercise to strengthen and tone the muscles of the feet. The primary muscles that work during squats are the quadriceps femoris, the adductor Magnus, and the gluteus maximus. Squats are a valuable exercise in toning frontal muscles.
How to do
1) Extend your legs wide and keep your body straight.
2) Keep your body straight and bend your knees in front and try to break your knees in half.
3) Get down as much as you feel comfortable doing.
4) Keep yourself in this position for a while and then go back to your previous state.
5) 2 sets of 10 times, ie 20 times.
Side Lunges
Side lunges help strengthen the thigh muscles and increase muscle flexibility. This exercise involves quadriceps, hamstrings and cuff muscles.
How to do
1) Keep your feet wide.
2) Keep the spine straight and take a step along the side.
3) Keep the torso and chest straight, keep the foot below the knee until it is about 90 degrees bent.
4) Repeat the same way.
5) This way you need to do 3 sets 15 times, ie 30 times.
Sumo Squat
Sumo Squat This exercise focuses on thigh adapters, which strengthen your legs.
How to do
1) Stand wide with your shoulders wide, legs wide apart.
2) Fold the two hands in front with the fist closed.
3) Take care that the front of the two legs, ie the toe, is on both sides.
4) In this position, sit in half pushing the back.
5) The longer the distance between your posterior chain and the inner Thai, the stronger the pelvic part.
6) This way you need to do 3 sets of 12 times, ie 36 times.
Side Leg Raises
This exercise is very effective for the body. Because it strengthens the outer thighs and hip.
How to do
1) First, straighten your legs and lie down. Keep the body straight.
2) Raise your upper leg slowly towards the ceiling and move slowly.
3) Keep the feet on the ground so that they do not bent.
4) Repeat 4 sets of each side 12 times, that is, 48 times in total.
Kick Boxing
is an easy way to exercise from home with the help of Kick Boxing. It helps to shed excess calories in the body. It also increases the strength of the hands as well as the legs. This exercise can be practiced without going to a Fighting Club.
How to do
1) First, stand with the legs slightly apart.
2) Then fold hands by elbow and fist.
3) Lower the upper part of the body to the left and lift the left leg and kick in front and run.
4) Repeat it with the right foot in the same way.
5) Set it to 15 minutes for 2 sets. Do this for 30 minutes daily.
Box jumps
work our whole leg muscles in this exercise. It increases your endurance and improves heart health.
How to do
1) Place a box in front of your knees or slightly smaller.
2) Then, with the legs straight out of the box, stand face to face.
3) Keep your body straight and bend your knees.
4) In this case, keep the legs straight and jump over the box.
5) Set this to 10 times 3sets.
Single-leg deadlift
By doing this exercise, the leg balance develops. It helps improve movement and posture. Improves the movement of muscles through the legs and back.
How to do
1) First, take a kettlebell and keep the body straight.
2) Then hold a kettlebell in your right hand and massage your left foot.
3) Keep the beard straight and bend forward and extend your right leg backward.
4) Rest your extended leg back to normal.
5) Similarly, extend the left leg with the mass on the right leg. You can do kettlebells either.
6) Set it to 12 times 3 set a day.
These exercises are very important to keep your feet healthy and healthy. As a result of daily practice, you can get the benefits within a month
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